Tag: lynx

Mew talking to me? How small wild cats communicate

How cats communicate with humans is a much-discussed topic of conversation. There are many different theories surrounding domestic cats looking at how and why they try to communicate with us. Some theories even suggest that a cat’s meow has been developed over thousands of… Continue Reading “Mew talking to me? How small wild cats communicate”

Lynx Lynx?

One of the most interesting of the small wild cat lineages is the Lynx lineage. Four separate species in one genus with impressive distribution in the Northern hemisphere from North West Canada to the far reaches of North East Russia. One of the reasons… Continue Reading “Lynx Lynx?”

Small wild cat names etymology:

Cats names and their meanings are often fascinating (at least in our eyes). Many small wild cats are named after the naturalist that discovered them, or more accurately, were the first to document them for science. Some of these cats also have interesting native… Continue Reading “Small wild cat names etymology:”

Small Wild Cat Olympics (Round II)

Following on from last week’s Olympic Small Cats we feature some more record breaking cats. SMALLEST OF THE SMALL WILD CATS: RUSTY SPOTTED CAT The Smallest of the Small Wild Cats is the tiny Rusty Spotted Cat. At just roughly 45cm in length and… Continue Reading “Small Wild Cat Olympics (Round II)”

Cats and their homes.

Much like your domestic cat at home sleep takes up a major part of a small wild cats life. For your average domestic cat this would normally average about 16-20 hours a day. As you would expect for a small wild cat this is… Continue Reading “Cats and their homes.”

FELIS – Small cat lineages Cont…

Lynx Lineage: Continuing our look at Cat lineages we come to the fifth lineage divergence and the ancestor of the Lynx species. The split is believed to have occurred around 7.2 million years ago with the Lynx lineage containing four separate species in one… Continue Reading “FELIS – Small cat lineages Cont…”

A Paws for thought

Taking a break from our Small wild cat lineages we look at paws. Along with tails and ears (see previous posts), it is another physical trait whereby we can see some morphological differences in small wild cats. In this post, we will look at… Continue Reading “A Paws for thought”

FELIS – Ears!

Last week we looked at tails and how a cats habitat can affect their morphology. In the same way, a cats hunting habits can have a strong impact on the physiology of a cats ears. As you can see from the images below, cats… Continue Reading “FELIS – Ears!”