Category: Uncategorized

The Andean Mountain Cat

The story of the ghost cat: The year is 1998. Humans have so far, walked on the moon, sent satellites into the farther reaches of our solar system and taken pictures of all of our orbiting planets. We have even captured photos from the… Continue Reading “The Andean Mountain Cat”

The secrets behind how small wild cats remain so elusive:

Many creatures in the animal kingdom use camouflage to help them hide from predators and for hunting. This is especially important for cats as many of them use stalking as their prime technique for catching prey. Today we explore how cats use camouflage to… Continue Reading “The secrets behind how small wild cats remain so elusive:”

The Cats Whiskers

A look at how cats use their whiskers in the wild: Throughout these blog updates, we have focused on many attributes that make small wild cats special. Whether that be paws, tails or even ears, cats have evolved over time to have some unique… Continue Reading “The Cats Whiskers”

Sand Cats

As discussed in previous blogs such as why are there no cats in Australia, its widely accepted that all wild cats evolved from Proailurus (meaning ‘before the cat’) around 30 million years ago when they first appeared in the forests of Eurasia. At this time… Continue Reading “Sand Cats”

Rusty Spotted Cats

Often called the Hummingbird cat, the Rusty Spotted cat is one of the smallest of the 33 small wild cat species and is about the size of a domestic kitten. That’s pretty much where the similarities stop though as this little cat is a fearless… Continue Reading “Rusty Spotted Cats”

Mew talking to me? How small wild cats communicate

How cats communicate with humans is a much-discussed topic of conversation. There are many different theories surrounding domestic cats looking at how and why they try to communicate with us. Some theories even suggest that a cat’s meow has been developed over thousands of… Continue Reading “Mew talking to me? How small wild cats communicate”

Cataptability – did cats ability to adapt save it from extinction?

When Proailurus walked the earth the world would have been a very different place to what we have today. The time is around 25 million years ago and the widely accepted last common ancestor of all of today’s cat family roamed the forests of Eurasia. At this time,… Continue Reading “Cataptability – did cats ability to adapt save it from extinction?”

Lynx Lynx?

One of the most interesting of the small wild cat lineages is the Lynx lineage. Four separate species in one genus with impressive distribution in the Northern hemisphere from North West Canada to the far reaches of North East Russia. One of the reasons… Continue Reading “Lynx Lynx?”

Small wild cat names etymology:

Cats names and their meanings are often fascinating (at least in our eyes). Many small wild cats are named after the naturalist that discovered them, or more accurately, were the first to document them for science. Some of these cats also have interesting native… Continue Reading “Small wild cat names etymology:”

Marbled Cats

One of the most elusive of the small wild cats if the Marbled cat. Due to a lack of research not much is known about this beautiful cat. Through camera trap sightings we think this cat diurnal and we understand they hunt both in… Continue Reading “Marbled Cats”